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发布时间:2024-10-15 00:59:01
本文摘要:Prices of the virtual currency bitcoin fell as much as 38% Wednesday and are now down more than 50% from the record high hit two weeks ago amid worries that China is moving to block the purchase and use of the currency by its citizens.虚拟世界货币比特币的价格周三跌幅一度高达38%,目前早已较两周前看清的纪录高点回升了逾50%,因市场忧虑中国将制止居民出售和用于比特币。

Prices of the virtual currency bitcoin fell as much as 38% Wednesday and are now down more than 50% from the record high hit two weeks ago amid worries that China is moving to block the purchase and use of the currency by its citizens.虚拟世界货币比特币的价格周三跌幅一度高达38%,目前早已较两周前看清的纪录高点回升了逾50%,因市场忧虑中国将制止居民出售和用于比特币。China has emerged as a big driver of the bitcoin market in recent months as enthusiasm for the currency helped send prices soaring more than tenfold in the fall. In recent weeks, prices have tumbled after Chinas central bank issued a warning about the risks of bitcoin and said financial institutions shouldnt do business with bitcoin-related companies.近几个月来,随着中国市场对比特币的疯狂市场需求推展比特币价格在秋季下跌逾10倍,中国已沦为比特币市场的众多驱动力。将近几周,比特币转而大幅度暴跌,因为此前中国央行对比特币风险收到警告,并回应,中国金融机构不得积极开展与比特币涉及的业务。

On Wednesday, the worlds largest bitcoin exchange stopped allowing customers to use yuan to buy bitcoin. Shanghai-based BTC China has no choice but to stop accepting yuan deposits, the exchange said in a post on Weibo, Chinas Twitter-like microblogging website.周三,全球仅次于的比特币交易平台、总部设于上海的比特币中国(BTC China)暂停容许客户用于人民币出售比特币。比特币中国在新浪微博(Weibo)上说道,被迫继续暂停人民币充值功能。Bitcoin deposits, bitcoin withdrawals and yuan withdrawals will not be affected, it added. The exchange said it will try to provide another method for deposits but didnt elaborate. The move means a big source of new cash driving up prices of bitcoin has been eliminated. Exchanges are an important component of bitcoins ecosystem. Coins can be bought and exchanged privately but most retail investors use the exchanges.比特币中国回应,比特币充值、比特币提现和人民币提现不不受影响。该公司还回应,不会尽早获取其他的充值途径,但没早已概述。

此举意味著,推升比特币价格的众多新的资金来源早已被截断。My understanding is that the Peoples Bank of China told third-party payment companies on Monday they cant work any longer with exchanges, BTC China CEO Bobby Lee said on Wednesday. These payment companies are often used for e-commerce in China and are the easiest way for individuals to transfer money from their bank accounts for web purchases.比特币中国首席执行长李启元(Bobby Lee)周三回应,他的解读是中国央行周一告诉第三方支付公司,无法与比特币交易平台展开合作。在中国,这些缴纳公司一般来说被用作展开电子商务活动,并且是个人将银行账户资金用作网络购物的最便利方式。While the central bank hasnt released an official statement, a person familiar with the matter said that a meeting between the bank and several third-party payment providers took place on Monday. The person said officials suggested that third-party payment providers cease their bitcoin involvement by the end of January though no official date was set.尽管中国央行仍未公布一份官方声明,但一位知情人士称之为,周一央行与几家第三方支付公司开会了会议。

这位知情人士说道,官员们似乎第三方支付机构要在明年1月底以前中止比特币涉及业务,但未定月日期。The central bank didnt respond to requests for comment.中国央行并未恢复记者谋求置评的催促。

The person added that the central bank sees its latest stance toward third-party payment providers as a reiteration of an earlier statement that neither financial institutions nor payment institutions should partake in bitcoin-related businesses. The growing popularity of bitcoin is a threat to Chinas strict capital controls because it allows citizens to trade yuan for bitcoin and then sell the bitcoin overseas for foreign currency.这位知情人士称之为,央行将针对第三方支付公司的立场视作对此前公布的声明的申明,即金融机构和缴纳机构都不该积极开展比特币涉及业务。日益受到欢迎的比特币对中国严苛的资本管制构成威胁,因为它使人们需要用人民币出售比特币,然后通过在海外出售比特币而取得外币。BTC China learned about the PBOCs latest stance from third-party payment platforms only and not the PBOC, added Mr. Lee. On Sunday, TenPay, the third-party payment unit of Chinese Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. , stopped working with BTC China. The exchange switched to Yeepay, another provider, but has now stopped working with Yeepay as well, Mr. Lee said.李启元还回应,比特币中国就是指第三方支付公司而非央行了解到央行的近期立场的。

周日中国互联网巨头腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings Ltd.)旗下的第三方支付机构财付通(TenPay)暂停与比特币中国的合作。李启元称之为,比特币中国随后改向另一家第三方支付公司易宝(Yeepay),但目前也早已暂停与易宝的合作。Beijing-based bitcoin exchange OKCoin issued a similar statement on its website, saying that it would no longer work with third-party payment-service providers. Users of the site will be able to withdraw their funds within 24 hours, it added. OKCoin didnt respond to emailed requests to comment.总部设于北京的比特币交易平台OKCoin在其网站上公布类似于声明称之为,将仍然与第三方支付公司合作。OKCoin还回应,如果客户发动提现,将在24小时内不予汇款。

Worries China wants to clamp down on the bitcoin industry stemmed from local media reports earlier in the week on the central banks warning Mondayto third-party payment processors. Since the start of the week, international bitcoin prices are down about 37%, according to industry tracker CoinDesk, which incorporates prices from several large bitcoin exchanges around the world. On Wednesday night in Asia, bitcoin prices were down 19% from Tuesdays close to $556.48, for a decline of more than 50% from its high of $1, 147.25 two weeks ago.本周早些时候本地媒体报道央行周一向第三方支付机构收到警告的消息后,外界担忧中国有可能想压制比特币行业。据行业跟踪机构CoinDesk称之为,自本周初以来,国际比特币价格早已暴跌大约37%。CoinDesk基于全球几家大型比特币交易平台的价格编成比特币价格指数。周三晚间在亚洲,比特币价格较周二暴跌19%,至556.48美元,较两周前的高点1,147.25美元回升了逾50%。

